Member Terms

Please review the following important details before finalizing your purchase:

Age Restriction: To purchase our benefits, you must be between the ages of 18-69 years of age. 

Health Restriction: Members cannot have the HIV or AIDS virus at the time of application. 

Benefit Activation: Benefits purchased on or before the 20th of the month, your benefits will be active on the 1st of the following month. Benefits purchased on or after 21st of the month, your benefits will be active the month after next. i.e. Benefits purchased on Oct. 20th, your benefits will be active on Nov. 1st, if you purchased benefits on Oct. 21st, your benefits will be active on Dec. 1st.

Childbirth: LifeExec Wellness Programs are not recommended for women or couples planning to conceive a child. 

LifeExec Association: Electing to subscribe to LifeExec Benefits automatically enrolls you as a member and affiliate within the LifeExec Advantage Association (LEA). LEA exists with the sole mission to provide members with the necessary education and services to live a healthy and safe life. LEA has no political or religious affiliations. LEA member affiliates have no additional obligations beyond their benefit subscription. LifeExec Advantage Association is a member organization in partnership with Health365. Members agree to be bound by the provisions and terms of the applicable Bylaws and Operative Documents, any documents required by an insurer then in effect, or any other requirements that may be adopted by LifeExec Advantage Association and Health365.

Cancellation Policy: Benefits cancellations are processed on the 18th of the month. If you cancel on or before the 18th, you will not be charged for the following month.

Refund Policy: Refunds are only eligible during the first month of enrollment.

Contact Information: For any questions regarding your membership, please feel free to reach out to our Member Services team at We are here to assist you.

By continuing with the checkout process, you acknowledge and agree to the terms and conditions outlined above.